Application Note: Moisture Determination of Rice

It is important to measure rice moisture content throughout the production process. At each step, there is an optimal moisture content that impact the quality of rice, its longevity, the overall cost of production and therefore end price and profit.

rice moisture content is important to keep rice from spoiling

Our application scientists determined the rice moisture content using Precisa’s XM60 Halogen Moisture Analyzer. 2 grams of ground white rice was placed across the pan. Using a Standard temperature program at 105 oC, 6 measurements were taken, with the average time of analysis taking 6.5 mins. The average moisture content of rice was found to be 11.79%. This aligned well with the reference sample which used an air oven to dry the sample at a temperature of 105 oC for hours and found the moisture content to be 11.88%.

Rice Moisture Content Determination Method & Results

DescriptionRice, white powder
PreparationGround Sample
Sample weight (+/- 10%)2 g
Stop-criteriaAutostop 2 Digits / 30 s
Moisture content (average of 6 measurements)11.79%
Standard deviation0.03%
Average Analysis time6.5 minutes
ReferenceAir oven, 105oC for 2 hours
11.88% +/- 0.06% (3 measurements)


Precisa’s XM60/120 Halogen Moisture Analyzer

The XM60 moisture analyzer is the low-volume instrument for customers with low sample volumes and quantities. It is robust, perfectly accurate and simple to operate. Thanks to the high thermal values, moisture analyzer delivers quick and accurate results. Irrespective of your analysis criteria, the widest range of analysis options are at your disposal. With a capacity of 124 g and a readability of 0.001g (0.0001 g XM60-HR) the XM 60 / XM60-HR can operate in a temperature range up to 230°C with storage and recall for up to 20 methods.

To find out more about how Precisa’s range of moisture analyzers can be used in your lab, contact our sales team today who will be happy to assist.

Download the full application note: Moisture Determination of Rice