Balance Readability - What is the Readability of My Weighing Balance?

Identifying the readability of a weighing balance can seem like a tricky task, but that’s why our team have put together this handy guide to help you determine the readability of your weighing balance, and discuss the difference between the readability and verified scale intervals.

d= Readability (smallest increment of measurement displayed)

“d” for digit; digitus – lat. for finger (counting and calculating with the fingers is therefore a digital process)

If you have a readability interval of d=0.0001g, it means that the smallest step you can read on it is 0.0001g (or 0.1mg) and increasing or decreasing the weight applied will change.

e= Verification Scale Interval (Readability – Legal for Trade)
“e” is the verification scale interval (e is French for étalonné – verified; scala – latin for step of a stair) represents the “readability of an approved balance”.

If a balance is approved, its last digit will appear in brackets. This means that for legal metrology the digits in brackets are visible but not valid, you must consider them.

In that case the smallest step you are allowed to read is 1mg, the verification scale interval therefore is equal to ten digits, e=10d. This would be displayed on the inscription plate “e=1mg / d=0.1mg”.

Readability of Weighing Balance and Capacity

On a balance with a relatively high capacity (e.g.: 10kg) and a low readability (e.g.:1g) you might have a ratio of “e=d ∴ e=1g”. On a balance with a relatively low capacity (e.g.: 125g) and a high readability (e.g: 0.00001g) you might have a ratio of “e=100d” ∴ e=0.001g (or 1mg).

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