prepASH® – Automation, Compliance, and Safety at Each Step of Analysis

The prepASH® Thermogravimetric Ash Analyzer has recently had a makeover! The new and improved prepASH contains cutting-edge software set to revolutionize industry standards.

In this blog to discover how our prepASH can help you by improving efficiency, safety and compliance in laboratories across a wide variety of industries.

Key Points:

  • prepASH is now compliant with ALCOA+ and CFR21 part 11 with our built in stand alone operating system
  • Secure user profiles – password protect profiles and manage access level
  • Enhanced user safety – newly automated processes reduce your need to handle samples at high temperatures
  • Sulfated ash applications – integrated scrubber and automated processes improve your safety when analzying corrosive substances

prepASH automated ash analyzer

Why Choose the prepASH Thermogravimetric Analyzer?

Our prepASH provides the optimal solution for your moisture and ash content analysis, offering you the flexibility to analyze your sample at any time with a fully automated process. By integrating a furnace, high-precision balance, and automation, our prepASH ensures consistent and repeatable data generation.

Not only does our prepASH automate the full thermogravimetric process, but it also provides the added benefit of increased user safety and compliance with URS, GxP and CFR21 part 11.

Improved User Safety

Maintaining your safety throughout all steps of analysis is critical and with our prepASH, you can be certain your analysis is being performed safely every step of the way.

Our thermogravimetric analyzer works completely autonomously at temperatures up to 1000oC. By creating an automated the process, our prepASH minimizes the manual handling of samples at high temperatures – improving your safety by eliminating exposure to high temperatures.

Scientist using prepASH automated ash analyzer

Sulfuric Acid Applications

Sulfated ash analysis is vital across many industries including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and materials science. It offers valuable insights into the composition and purity of materials, ensuring products meet regulatory requirements.

Previously, performing sulfated ash applications could result in significant harm, as sulfuric acid is highly corrosive. The prepASH automates hazardous tasks with ur integrated scrubber, ensuring ease of use and enhanced safety. Our exciting new software enhances laboratory efficiency and safety while maintaining data integrity, ensuring accurate and reliable results at every step of analysis.

Compliance with URS, CFR21 part 11 and GxP Standards

Our exciting new software not only enhances laboratory efficiency and safety, but also maintains data integrity to ensure accurate and reliable results at every step of analysis.

We comply with User Requirements Specification (URS) through our customizable user profiles and access controls, ensuring that we meet the needs and standards of individual laboratories. This allows you to configure the prepASH to your specific requirements with regulatory compliance and data integrity.

Our new prepASH software is also compliant with both GxP and CFR21 part 11, meaning that your laboratory will meet regulation standards whilst ensuring user safety. Our software’s compliance with CFR21 part 11 regulations is facilitated by several features including:

  • user defined profiles
  • password-protected profiles
  • Different access controls: administrator, standard and restricted – only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data and certain functions, enhancing data security.

Our prepASH provides electronic records and time stamping functionalities, ensuring transparent and verifiable records of data manipulation and analysis processes. This guarantees reliability, authenticity, and integrity of all electronic records, which is essential for compliance and traceability.

prepASH: The Optimal Solution for Moisture and Ash Content

Scientist taking sample out of prepASH

Our prepASH is the optimal solution for all your thermogravimetric applications, offering precise, automated analysis for reliable and repeatable results.

If you’d like to hear more about how our prepASH could be beneficial to your lab, contact us today and we will be happy to discuss your requirements further.